Des Moines, IA 50320
(515)285-8907 FAX (515)285-1369

what is talentIOWA?
For 17 years, talentIOWA has placed talented individuals in commericals, industrial video, film projects, and print work throughout the state of Iowa. Some of TalentIOWA's credits include American Media, Iowa Lottery, Norwest Bank, Farm Bureau Insurance, Crayola Kids, Pella Corporation, Amana appliances, John Deere Health, Better Homes & Gardens, as well as movies and television programs such as "The Bridges of Madison County", "Twister", and "Eerie, Indiana". TalentIOWA is a talent agency listed with the Iowa Film Office and is a member of the Iowa Motion Picture Association.

looking for talent for your next production?
Let Shari Vail know what you're looking for by calling (515)285-8907 or by e-mailing We look forward to hearing from you. Also feel free to browse our online talent photos.

talentIOWA photo and resume directory (organized by age)
note: this is a VERY small sample of the hundreds of people listed with talentIOWA.

Women 20-35



Men 20-35



Makeup Artists
TalentIOWA also has makeup artists available. Please contact us for details.

Shari Vail benefits from over 15 years of experience in video and print media. Her personal credits include Younkers, Profitts Broadcasting Network, Iowa Lottery, MegaMart commercial, Principal, Meredith Corporation, NBC Nightly News with Tom Brokaw, Meet the Press, Norwest Bank, Maytag, Iowa Dept. of Economic Development, President Clinton and other political figures, American Media, Better Homes and Gardens Television, Isle of Capri and Adventureland.

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